On 03/05/2017 09:15 AM, brian666--- via Lazarus wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just upgraded to the AMD 64 versions of FPC 3.02 and Lazarus 1.6.4 as
> downloaded from SourceForge, I upgraded an instance of 1.6.2 (from the
> same source) which was working just fine. I'm running 64-bit Linux
> Mint 'Betsy', i.e. the Debian-based version of Mint, on a AMD Phenom
> x2. The problem is that rebuilding the IDE doesn't seem to work.
> The error is shown as 'Generic error while linking'. I don't think the
> source line is relevant, as it tags the 'end.' in lazarus.pp. The exit
> code returned is 512.
> Any ideas, please?

P.S. Same error when trying to build a 'Hello, World' simple program.

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