On Sat, 11 Feb 2017, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 11:22:23 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
Currently, the options specified in 'Run - Parameters' are stored in the
project.lpi file.
I have always found this a strange choice.
What is the rationale for this decision ?
Some projects need the same run parameters on all machines.
For example instantfpc projects can't run with the default run
From my personal experience, I really think this is a minority...
For example, testsuites. I keep setting the --suite=TestA.MethodXYZ.
My collegue sets it to --suite=TestB.MethodC.
It gives me conflicts every time I update from SVN.
And in this case you almost never use the same command-line twice.
Logically, I would I think these parameters belong in the .lps file ?
I agree, there should be an option. Or even better would be a list
of run modes.
Don't get overenthousiastic. Keep it simple :)
The trouble with a list is that you must maintain it, just as the build
modes. I don't want that.
So if you do decide to introduce it, please keep it optional, as the build
Not to say there is already a list, namely the history mechanism.
Some developers using build modes suggested to have different run
parameters per build mode. So it would be nice if the list and build
modes can be connected. For example when switching the build mode, the
IDE automatically switches the run mode too.
Well. If you can give a global option
Save "run parameter" settings in
[*] .lpi file
[ ] .lps file
[ ] run modes
[ ] build mode
I will be satisfied.
You could use the ones in .lpi as a fallback, in case they are not set in
the .lps
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