José Mejuto via Lazarus schreef op 8 jan '17:

> El 08/01/2017 a las 2:21, Darius Blaszyk via Lazarus escribió: 
>> Hi,
> [...] 
>> a separate tool or script to merge the translation strings into my .po
>> file? Or did I setup my project wrong?
>> In general, should the "force update" setting not force an update of the
>> .po file in any circumstance (compile/run/build or even save).
> Hello,
> Same problem here, but I think I was able to "workaround" the problem, change 
> one form that uses the resourcestrings unit, change also the resourcestrings 
> unit and "build", not "compile", before save the units.
> The bug seems to be difficult to catch as it happens when it happens, without 
> a clear way to reproduce it (that's the reason that I don't post a bug about 
> it).

Indeed, seems like a bug to me as well. However, as you explained I also
figured out how to update the .po file with the LRS items (which works
incidentally), but the resourcestrings do not appear in the .po at all,
no matter what I try. Is there another known workaround by invoking
commandline tools?

TIA, Darius 
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