On 11/19/2016 05:33 PM, Lars via Lazarus wrote:
On Sat, November 19, 2016 3:24 pm, Lars wrote:
On Fri, November 18, 2016 5:08 am, Andrew Haines via Lazarus wrote:

lhelp uses IPC to communicate so it wouldn't be too bad to write a
unit to control it.
p.s. in addition to my last message, wouldn't SimpleIPC need to be ported
to delphi then..  or at least some of it's mechanism.

Would be neat if simpleipc was available in delphi so fpc programs could
communicate to delphi programs.  If only simpleipc was standardized and
available in all languages ;-)

Looking at the simpleipc unit I see

TMsgHeader = Packed record
    Version : Byte;
    MsgType : TMessageType;
    MsgLen  : Integer;

I guess the message content, assuming any following data, is after MsgLen. This would be easy to implement.


Andrew Haines

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