On 08.11.2016 14:49, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
On 2016-11-08 13:14, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
In this case codetools don't have enough information. Because it does
not know the former connection.
By why does it work if I do them one at a time. eg: Change the first
interface declaration and do code completion. Change the second
interface declaration and do code completion. That works.

But doing them at the same time it doesn't.

So in the first case, CodeTools somehow knows the connection, even
though the interface and implementation declarations don't match (until
code completion is invoked). It then magically knows which
implementation declaration to update.

No magic at all. If the incompatibility ratio of interface methods : implementation methods is 1:1 then the connection is more than obvious. It doesn't work only with overloads. You can rename the method and it works as well.

Just do changes one by one and you are good to go.

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