On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 12:51 AM, Lars via Lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On Mon, October 17, 2016 7:32 pm, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> > One obvious point is that an "event" driven programming knowledge is a
> > must to become a competent programmer . The problem is how this can be
> > learned . Without knowing how to program an algorithm when a related
> event
> > is occurred , will bring any one to nothing means ( not to a success ) .
> >
> An interesting question is what is an event and isn't in some way or
> another all programming based on events that occur?
> The concept of callbacks is very similar to events. you make a callback
> when something happens, just like an event. This can be done even in old
> turbopascal programs or console mode programs..
> I'm not so sure event driven programming is a must to become a competent
> programmer, I would have to think about that. Events could (may) force a
> programmer to think about programs in a certain way... when there are
> alternatives? or are events the only alternative just in another form
> (callbacks, or calling procedures). It begs the question about whether
> events are just procedures being called, which is the same as any
> programming methodology since all programs "call procedures".
> Is a compiler event driven? A competent programmer could write a compiler,
> or a parser. Are they necessary to have event driven architectures?
> i.e. is the fpc compiler event driven, even if not officially event driven
> someone ended up reinventing events in it? From what I understand Michael
> V. C.'s documentation tool is event driven which differs from the fpc
> compiler.  However I beg the question:  is all programming event driven in
> some way since events are just "calls to procedures". Of course that is
> simplifying it, but "what is an event?" would be a good computing science
> article to write. If I had any time..
> --
> _______________________________________________

Please see the following pages :

( Event-driven programming )

( Imperative programming )

( Category:Events (computing) )

( Category:Programming paradigms )

You can find plenty of information in the above pages and in their linked
pages .

Lazarus IDE : An example of event driven programming
FPC : An example of imperative programming

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
Lazarus mailing list

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