LacaK via Lazarus wrote:
Hi *,

I need help with OCX component (not visual I guess), which I need use in Lazarus application (to control another application, which supplies this OCX control). I have imported type library using importtl.exe (new unit was created successfully)

Then in program I have created instance:
  v := CreateOleObject('SCAPS.ScSamlightClientCtrl');
intf := CreateComObject(CLASS_ScSamlightClientCtrl) as _DSamlight_client_ctrl_ocx;
What is the type of your V or intf  variable?
I am wild guessing maybe they are not proper referenced type so the object is created and then immediately freed.

I would try
  v : OLEVariant;
or V :  _DSamlight_client_ctrl_ocx;

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