Werner Pamler via Lazarus wrote:
I am having problem using the Type Library generated.
Don't know how to use it.

I tried to 'learn' from old Delphi 5 source code (the only version of Delphi I have) that worked with Excel 2000 but found that the type library are so different from the one generated by FPC.

I try to avoid that OLE stuff as much as possible - too much pain... What is the reason why you want to control Excel? Maybe you can achieve the same in a different way. If it's only reading or writing files you should have a look a fpspreadsheet which covers - I'd say - 90% of what is needed (this is not what Excel offers - Excel has always offered more features than were needed).

I hate to use OLE as well but my customer needs to write his own Excel spreadsheet formula and VBA routines etc and feed the results every 5 minutes into my program and my program will execute some tasks accordingly and write back the statuses to the Excel spreadsheet. I tried to persuade him to learn pascal or a formal programming language but he refused.

By the way, I want to complain about OLE Automation. It must run in the main thread. If I run it in an non-main thread even with locking routine (coXXXX ) , it still crashes. I guess some deep down routines in OLE just forget to make as thread safe.
If you insist on Automation you should look at the wiki articles http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Office_Automation and http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/ExcelAutomation/de - the latter is in German, though.

I tried fpspreadsheet but it does not support DDE which my customer needs. Also, it does not support writing VBA.

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