
 I decided to implement the online package manager(opkman) or at least give
it a try. The first stable(alpha) version is ready and it works like this:
the packages are zipped and stored in a webserver(repository) along with a
json file. I chose zip to minimize server load. The json file contains all
the necessary info about the packages. Once installed into the IDE, the
opkman downloads, then serialize the json file into a package list. The
list is  displayed in a tree. On request the packages can be downloaded
or/and installed. For now the repository is read-only, it contains only
eight, well known(I guess?) packages. The nature/type of the eight package
is irrelevant for now, since we are only testing the functionality of the
opkman. Few notes:

 1. Supported versions: Laz 1.6+(FPC 3.0.0+). I did the
implementation/testing with Lazarus trunk(FPC 3.0.0)
 2. Tested under the following widgetsets: Win32/64, GTK2, Carbon
 3. After install, you can find opkman in the "Package" menu
 4. Download link:

 Please test! Suggestions are welcome.

 PS: Big thanks to @Leledumbo for hosting the repository.

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