On 30.09.2016 12:57, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
El 30/09/16 a les 12:51, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha escrit:
On 30.09.2016 12:27, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
If I compile the old turbopower_ipro with this directive (even if it
doesn't need it) it doesn't work (the information box doesn't show
anything, though I didn't manage to crash lazarus yet), while if I
rewrite the new iphtml.pas in order to remove the directive it works
Strange, there is no {$MODESWITCH NESTEDPROCVARS} directive in my
Lazarus trunk\components\turbopower_ipro\iphtml.pas or any other file
(except of one file in examples).
Already fixed in trunk. See http://mantis.freepascal.org/view.php?id=29982
I'll add it to merge list for 1.6
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