On Wed, 28 Sep 2016 16:49:15 -0500
"Terry A. Haimann via Lazarus" <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On an old Lazarus app (Linux) today I tried to add a form and got the

Do you mean add a new empty form or add an existing form? 

> following:
> http://www.haimann.us/Images/Test.png

I recommend to adapt the $mode and $H directive in the main source
(usually projectname.lpr).

> After selecting this option, the new form appears messed up.

What means messed up? It's an empty form, isn't it?

>  At the
> botton of the unit.pas file the following is displayed:
> initialization
>   {$I unit1.lrs} 
> Even after I save the unit under another name.   After compilation when
> the form is displayed via a show.modal, the form is blank.
> Is there someway to repair this app

How do you create the form?

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