I have two Lazarus projects, let's call them project A and project B, which share the same sources, only with a different define: let's say -dProjA and -dProjB.

If, starting from a clean situation, I compile first project A, and then project B, most of the modules aren't recompiled, and I end up with a project B built with a mix-up of units, some compiled with project A define and some compiled with project B define.

I managed to find a way out: setting different unit paths for project A and project B solves the issue, but this situation may be rather confusing for an inexperienced user.

IMHO this is not a very unusual setup: it applies to any situation where the same base project must provide different options or features.

Is this a Lazarus issue or rather an fpc issue? Do ppu's include the defines used for compilation? If not, wouldn't it be advisable to add them somehow?


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