This doesn't have to do with Lazarus, it is GTK's theme. The second
screenshot shows the Raleigh theme which is the default GTK+ 2 theme. I
don't know about KaOS to suggest packages and such, but the first
screenshot uses a popular theme which AFAIK is installed by default on
Debian when you choose to install the desktop.

You can look in KaOS's packages for gtk2 themes (or look in
and similar sites for other gtk2 themes) and use a tool like "GTK2 Change
Theme" to enable it.

If you are using a desktop environment like XFCE, it'll also have a bunch
of themes preinstalled and provide means for switching between them. XFCE
uses GTK2 for itself so you shouldn't need to mess much with it.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 9:02 PM, John Landmesser <>

> Is it possible to adjust the look of Lazarus _IDE (gtk2):
> Same PC, Lazarus trunk but two different KDE linux Desktops.
> This one is ok: Debian (Sid) KDE
> /view?usp=sharing
> That's bad: same PC but KDE on KaOS.
> /view?usp=sharing
> Where are these grey colors defined?
> --
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