Hi Artem,

Am 24.05.20 um 14:09 schrieb Артём:
> I  have been registered in Pootle. I have another one question. I have
> found 3 strings with same translations in Pootle. How can I know which
> one  of  them  is  what I need? Is it possible without browsing source
> code?

Yes, that can be tricky... A look at the source code can give clarity.

But often one can already "guess" the occurrence of a string by looking
at the location referenced.
In this case all 3 would be possible candidates.

For reasons of uniformity I would suggest to change all three.



> Thank you.
> ---------------------------------
> 23 мая 2020 г. 16:48:02 от Matthias Seidel matthias.sei...@hamburg.de:
>> Hi,
>> You're welcome!
>> Am 23.05.20 um 15:19 schrieb Артём:
>>> Hello!
>>> I  found  a  mistake  in  Russian  localization  in current OpenOffice
>>> release  4.1.7.  When  you open existing document and wait a couple of
>>> seconds  when  it reading, in the right of status bar you can see text
>>> "Загрузить  документ".  There  is  incorrect  form  and  right will be
>>> like "Документ загружается" or "Документ открывается".
>>> Could  you please fix it or maybe you already have done this preparing
>>> for next release. Thank you!
>>> P.S.:  By  the way, how can I obtain account in Pootle for fix this by
>>> myself?
>> If you want to help translation please follow the steps described here
>> to get a Pootle account:
>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide/Registration_and_Login
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
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