Hi Jeppe,

I forwarded your mail to d...@openoffice.apache.org. Hopefully someone
with appropriate right comes back on you soon.

This list is primarily for the translation (UI and Help) of AOO. Would
you be interested in helping us to improve the Danish translation? Or
maybe you know somebody? ;-)



Am 21.04.20 um 11:31 schrieb Jeppe Bundsgaard:
> Thanks!I have subscribed to the list. Can someone help me become the
> maintainer of the Danish spellchecker-extension?
> Thanks!
> Jeppetir, 21 04 2020 kl. 11:14 +0200, skrev Peter Kovacs:
>> Hi Jeppe,
>> The mailinglist organizing translation is l10n@openoffice.apache.org.
>> If you respond to this mail you write to the translation list.
>> They help you with the details.
>> I recommend subscribing to the translation list by sending an email
>> to:
>> l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org
>> All the Best
>> Peter
>> Am 21.04.20 um 10:58 schrieb Jeppe Bundsgaard:
>>> Hi,I got a bounce back on the e-mail I sent to the mail address on
>>> the page below. Maybe I have better luck here?
>>> I saw at this page,  
>>> https://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/danish-spellcheck-and-hyphenation-dictionaries#comment-form
>>> , that no one is actively maintaining the Danish spellchecker. I am
>>> one of the maintainers of Stavekontrolden.dk, the Danish hunspell
>>> spell checker. I can take over, if you want me to.Best regards,
>>> Jeppe--………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jeppe Bundsgaard *
>>> Professor MSO, Ph.d.DPU, Aarhus Universitet/Department of
>>> Education, Aarhus UniversityTuborgvej 164 - 2400 København NV -
>>> DanmarkK: B310; T: +45 3119 2607; E: <mailto:j...@edu.au.dk>
>>> j...@edu.au.dk<mailto:j...@edu.au.dk>; W:
>>> pure.au.dk/portal/da/j...@edu.au.dk<mailto:pure.au.dk/portal/da/jeb
>>> u...@edu.au.dk> / 
>>> www.jeppe.bundsgaard.net<http://www.jeppe.bundsgaard.net>

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