@ Matthias,

Just have taken a closer look at the link to Pootle entry you provided. In
Polish version there is a mistake.
(And there are more of them in file "readme_pl" for AOO 4.1.7: different in
terms of nature and importance).

For this very reason I am working on a new Polish version of ReadMe file.
It should be more legible, readable
and hopefully free of errors and omissions. I would prefer sending Readme
file in Polish over "picking at entries" in Pootle.
Is that an acceptable way?

Shall I focus on version for AOO 42X? (and leave faulty version for AOO
4.1.7. as it is).

And are you interested in wrong/incomplete entries in German version of UI?
I have already found one or two.


Czesław Wolański

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