
Am 26.03.20 um 19:33 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> Short question: Do you have not enough rights on Pootle to do that
> yourself? No Pun intended, I can give you more... ;-)
> Even longer answer:
> You meant "No Pun intended" as an abbrevation for "No Pun-ishment intended"?
No, I am only trying to understand the user management in Pootle. ;-)
> I have just checked. Seems that I have right to change entry or comment on
> it (if I am wrong,
> please grant me due privilege).  I'll do my best  but remember  that  my
> main  do-main is Polish translation (any and all puns intended).

I gave you rights on the French UI now, can you also test help?



> Regards,
> Czesław
> Le jeu. 26 mars 2020 à 19:03, Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>
> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Am 26.03.20 um 15:26 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just two issues. Of importance is only point 1., point 2. may be
>> considered
>>> when the time is ripe, for example the Last Judgment.
>>> 1. Help > About OpenOffice
>>> In French version: Aide > À propos de OpenOffice
>>> There is a tiny typo in dialog's title. It reads "A propos de
>> OpenOffice".
>>> Replace "A" therein with "À" just as it is in Aide menu item: "À propos
>> de
>>> OpenOffice"
>>> Due screenshots are in file "Apropos.jpg" available at the following
>> link:
>>> https://pasteboard.co/J0Teh5u.jpg
>>> Strings at Pootle (if I am not wrong):
>>> - Dialog's title
>> https://translate.apache.org/fr/translate/#search=A%20propos&sfields=source,target&unit=12768475&offset=0
>>> - Help menu item
>> https://translate.apache.org/fr/translate/#search=A%20propos&sfields=source,target&unit=12787417&offset=0
>> Fixed now.
>> Short question: Do you have not enough rights on Pootle to do that
>> yourself? No Pun intended, I can give you more... ;-)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2. Help > About OpenOffice > License
>>> Due screenshots for point 2.1 and 2.2 are in file "License.jpg" available
>>> at the following link:
>>> https://pasteboard.co/J0TeQMB.jpg
>>> 2.1. Readme tab
>>> "Only shortcut keys (key combinations) not used by the operating system
>> can
>>> be used in OpenOffice."
>>> That's OK, but on http://www.openoffice.org/welcome/readme.html you
>> read:
>>> "Only shortcut keys (key combinations) not used your installed operating
>>> system can be used in OpenOffice."
>>> That sentence needs correction -  and the irony is that Readme tab entry
>>> says: For latest updates to this readme file, see
>>> http://www.openoffice.org/welcome/readme.html";.
>>> 2.2. Notice tab
>>> "- Apache Commons - used by MediaWiki Publisher extension
>>> - Apache Jakarta HttpClient - used by MediaWiki Publisher extension
>>> - Apache Tomcat - used by MediaWiki Piblisher extension"
>>> It seems that in the third line "Piblisher" shall be replaced with
>>> "Publisher".
>> Good find, but already fixed in trunk and 42X.
>> Regards
>>    Matthias
>>> with regard
>>> Czesław Wolański

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