
Am 25.02.20 um 08:24 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> Take a look at image available at the link given below:
> https://pasteboard.co/IWhwBlZ.jpg

Why don't you send me just the link?

Now I have to type what I see in your screenshot... ;-)

> Some time ago while editing an entry in Pootle:
> Polish Apache OpenOffice 4.2 UI svx/source/sidebar/line.po Unit #14654676
> Locations:
> LinePropertyPanel.src#RID_SIDEBAR_LINE_PANEL.FT_EDGESTYLE.fixedtext.text
> French:   "~Style d'angle"
> English  "~Corner style"
> Polish: "Styl narożników"
> Сomment: "Format > Line, tabpage "Line" - accelerator is visible, in
> sidebar panel, Properties > Line - not"
> User suggestions:  "Styl narożników"
> i've made a dumb rookie mistake (sorry for that!) and added proposal in
> "User suggestions". It brings nothing new to translation.
> As you know, I am the author of entries for: Polish translation, "Comment"
> too.  Now after every logging into Pootle
> I see on screen a reminder "Review suggestions 1" .
> If in "User suggestions" box I click red (X), I see message "Not found". On
> the other hand accepting entry (green "tick")
> seems to me quit odd. Shall I suggest it to myself? And  thank myself  for
> invaluable input to myself? (sounds little paranoic on my part...)
> So may I humbly ask you to remove that wrong "User suggestions" entry OR -
> if for any viable reason it is not possible/advisable -
> to turn off reminder?




> with sincere apologies
> Czesław Wolański

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