Hi, While working in AOO Writer I'have found incorrect help text for one icon in toolbar "Insert".
Under link given below you shall find screenshot (image file, .jpg). https://pasteboard.co/IW03wnL.jpg On toolbar "Insert" icon that inserts footnote has help text "Insert Footnote/Endnote Directly" and should have had "Insert Footnote Directly". Seems that someone has forgotten that via Insert > Footnote/Endnote dialog BOTH footnote and endnote can be inserted. You will find supporting evidence for that in AOO Help. I have visited Polish, German, French and Russian versions. Polish, French and Russian versions are INCORRECT, but in German version you will see CORRECT wording: "Fußnote direkt einfügen" (*Lang leben diese Deutschen!!! Dreimal hoch...)* I have neither time nor intention to check other language versions. Hope someone will follow in my footsteps. Keep in mind that due change/additon has to be made in AOO Help too - second icon and its description. with regard, Czesław Wolański