
While working in AOO Writer I'have found incorrect help text for one icon
in toolbar "Insert".

Under link given below you shall find screenshot (image file, .jpg).


On toolbar "Insert" icon that inserts footnote has help text "Insert
Footnote/Endnote Directly"
and should have had "Insert Footnote Directly".

Seems that someone has forgotten that via Insert > Footnote/Endnote
dialog BOTH footnote and endnote can be inserted. You will find supporting
evidence for that in AOO Help.

I have visited Polish, German, French and Russian versions.
Polish, French and Russian versions are INCORRECT,
but in German version you will see CORRECT wording: "Fußnote direkt
einfügen"   (*Lang leben diese Deutschen!!! Dreimal hoch...)*

I have neither time nor intention to check other language versions. Hope
someone will
follow in my footsteps.

Keep in mind that due change/additon has to be made in AOO Help too -
second icon and its description.

with regard,

Czesław Wolański

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