Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
1) changelog.txt ...
2) README_en_GB.txt
Good, changes look OK! But the version must be incremented too, it's
still 2014.01.01 and this creates problems. In this case you can leave
it as it is since you never released the 2014.01.01 version on the
Extensions site.
3) Created a test ODT to check with the 2013-07-31 and with 2014-01-01
Nice, this will be very useful for testing. But it will be more useful
if you cut it to a few lines, since you have the changelog for the full
list of changes. Lines 185 and 741 will be perfectly OK. What I usually
do is a small table with:
Word Expected result OpenOffice 4.0.1 Dictionary 2014.01.01
stereophony Accepted Not Accepted Accepted
spongelike Not Acccepted Accepted Not Accepted
test Accepted Accepted Accepted
abcxyz Not Acccepted Not Acccepted Not Acccepted
copy this to a table in an ODT file and you are done, and everybody can
test very quickly.
(Also, it's not my dictionary, I never added or removed a single word;
it's the OpenOffice 4.0.1 dictionary).
4) Created the OXT with the requested changes
PS-> I noticed that removing and installing the previous EN OXT and this
one, sometimes the typos are not detected.
This will need to be investigated. Remember that the bundled
dictionaries are a special case of extension, since they are (if I
recall correctly) installed with administrative rights.
I think I followed all of Andrea's steps.
What shall I do now?
Let's go on with the plan then. Here it is:
1) Fix changelog.txt and possibly README files. -> DONE
2) In the meantime, I will take care that the extension is reassigned to
you (this usually takes some days) -> DONE, I see it hasn't been
reassigned yet, but you will probably see it reassigned very soon, like
3) Once the extension is reassigned, create a new release (this means:
upload your latest OXT file to the Extensions site) for the dictionary
and leave it "unpublished" under the "Publishing options", so users
won't be notified of the new release. Your release is thus not listed
but available for download from a direct link.
4) Send a quick note to saying that you
replaced the en-GB dictionary and that you are going to publish the new
release; give them one week to test, specify clearly that they must set
en_GB for testing and provide:
a) Link to the unpublished release (I can help you here if you don't
know where to find it)
b) Link to ODT test file in your DropBox (the one I described above, item 2)
5) If you don't receive any bad feedback, go on and flag your release as
"published" and you are done! And at that time I will also update the
OpenOffice source code to use your updated extension. And, after one
week or so, users will start to receive notifications that a new version
of the English dictionary is available.
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