Hi Elisabetta,
Le 14/03/2025 à 20:23, Elisabetta Manuele a écrit :
Just following up on our last email on March 6 and Christian's suggestion
to report any issues promptly, we wanted to update you on some more strings
remaining untranslated in the pre-release 25.2.2 Italian UI.
Specifically, they are located in:
Tools>Customize window>Notebookbar>Target>All Commands (UI>Tabbed)
The drop-down list contains the command names in English, e.g., View Tab;
View Tab | View, etc.
We looked for the corresponding strings in Weblate, but could not find
them, so we thought they might be hard-coded
Please look into this issue before the next release.
Really sorry with what your team experienced. Could you give me the
keyID of the strings so I can try to chase them in other languages.
For 25.2 qtz langpack is here:
For master the qtz langpack is here:
Thanks a lot in advance and again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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