Hi Andy,

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 3:31 AM Andy Flagg
<libreoffice.taga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Question - How can I fix this hard coded or auto-translated string. It's
> wrong. It should be "Form". There is no translation. I searched and
> searched weblate documentation, and I cannot find out how to add this
> correction.

Note that the list strips attachments, so we don't know what string
you're talking about.

To check whether it is a translatable string, you can use one of the
daily builds and use the qtz / key-ID pseudo language, that will
prefix all strings that you can also search for in weblate.

Failing that, at least describe where to find the string, then people
can have a look/provide more insight about the state of the string.

So if it really is hardcoded, the solution is to make it translatable.
If the same string is used in different context, but the different
context requires different translation, then the solution is to use
unique strings.


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