Hi Christian

Thanks for the information that it will not be necessary to repeat the 
translations. I am not sure where to find the tools, though. Among other 
things, you wrote:

> (go to component → Tools → Auto Translate and to be sure filter to
> untranslated strings switch to machine translation and select weblate
> translation memory and set the score threshold to 100 (you can go
> lower in a second pass with the add as suggestion or flag with need
> editing to manually review them)

In the general overview for Danish, the "Tools" menu contains only one option: 
"Failing checks".
In the LibreOffice Help - 25.2 / Danish collection, the "Tools" menu contains 
"Search and replace" and "Failing checks".
In LibreOffice Help – 25.2 text/scalc/01 Danish (with 521 unfinished / reverted 
strings), the "Tools" menu contains "Search and replace", "Data exports", and 
"Failing checks".
I have not yet found a place, where the Tools menu contains autotranslation. I 
do not know if I am looking in the wrong places, or if it might be a tool that 
requires more rights than I have?

In any case, it would be great if your optimistic closing sentence could be 

> I guess I can automate this for all-languages using calls to the API....
> ciao
> Christian

Best regards,

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