Hi Mike,

 Sure we can work on that sometime. To start with need to get hang of this, see what all is done from previous work & approving pending suggestions.

From what I know Hindi translation activity - earlier for OpenOffice & later LibreOffice, had organizational support - first NCST then CDAC for OOO , later Red Hat India L10n team for LibreOffice.

That stopped once localization went out of their focus, or people driving it moved on.

It has been a challenge to get people into Libreoffice work, compared to say Gnome/KDE etc where people find it easier to work in the sense can pick up a small app and do it and see result quickly.

Weblate certainly lowers the entry barrier & should help. I can see some ppl put in suggestions but since no one to approve, persons must have lost interest.

So once take stock of the project, then can start prodding folks to join in.



On 02/09/24 14:10, Mike Saunders wrote:
Hi Karunakar,

I just saw that Sophie gave you access! In the meantime, we can help you to promote the Hindi localisation project, like we've done on the blog for other languages, eg:


Let us know if you're interested, and we can work together on that :-)


On 30/08/2024 08:25, Karunakar Guntupalli wrote:
Hi Mike/Sophie,

Request to give me translator access for Hindi.

I am already signed up on Weblate (

Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 12:04 PM Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Karunakar jee

Due to some reason i am not active and so it will be great if you could
take over the lead role of coordinating the efforts of Hindi localization.

I will request Sophie to help in setting up account and related access.


सोम, 26 अग॰ 2024, 8:10 pm को Kinshuk Sunil <kinshuksu...@gmail.com> ने

I wasn't active on Weblate.
So, it must be Rajesh.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:57 PM Guntupalli Karunakar <
karuna...@indlinux.org> wrote:

Hi Sunil,

In case you are admin/coordinator for Hindi on Weblate, then you could
make me the admin or give translator role to start with.

If it was Rajesh , then will wait for him to respond.



On 26/08/24 20:01, Kinshuk Sunil wrote:

Hey Karunakar

Thanks for taking the initiative. I have been dormant for quite a while.
Happy to support and enable, but would need some directions on what
actions need to be taken to enable you.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 2:15 PM Guntupalli Karunakar <
karuna...@indlinux.org> wrote:


   Its been quite some time Hindi team has been inactive, with no
translation updates.

I would like to take up role of Hindi coordinator.

Currently would look to slowly update translations on Weblate, also
to it that suggestions submitted get approved.

Also look out for potential contributors who worked in other projects
like Gnome/KDE to contribute to LibreOffice.

I am already signed up on Weblate (
https://translations.documentfoundation.org/user/karunakar/ ).

In cc: currently listed team coordinators - to give approval/objections.



Kinshuk Sunil

Kinshuk Sunil

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