
Using Insert > Cross-reference, it is possible to refer to figures etc. One of 
the ways to reference is "Above"/"Below", to be used like "See the figure 
above", which would automatically become "See the figure below" if the figure 
is later moved below the text. The keyID for the menu choice "Above"/"Below" is 
VBMno. But where can I find the strings for the texts 'above' and 'below' that 
will be inserted in the document?

In the Danish LO, these strings are not quite correctly translated, but I have 
not been able to locate the strings. There are some source strings 'Above' and 
some source strings 'Below', but they are all with uppercase initial letter, so 
I do not think it is those. Even if it is, I do not know which ones. I have 
tried the KeyID language setting, but while it adds keyID's to menus etc., no 
keyID is attached to the text shown in the document. Based on the German 
translation, the strings for 'above' could be keyID's Dk3GN, nW5vs, and perhaps 
kxNDG, while key strings for 'below' could be keyID's could be CGQj7, e4znD, 
EF7Qb or bF2Nd, but I am unsure of all these.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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