Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your translations! We now have them in 16 languages for the video:


If anyone wants to add any more, here is the wiki page:


Thanks again :-)

On 12/06/2024 16:28, Mike Saunders wrote:
Hi everyone,

In the marketing project, we worked on a new general promo video for LibreOffice, for social media, the front page of our YouTube channel etc.

* YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc5Iw2KNIF4

* PeerTube: https://peertube.opencloud.lu/w/t4FBJmuTG2a8BAZEKxFQc3

I've put the script on the wiki, and made it available for translation! Then I can add subtitles to the videos:


Thanks in advance for any translations :-)

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