
On 12/26/23 09:40, sophi wrote:
Le 26/12/2023 à 13:13, Olivier Hallot a écrit :

On 12/26/23 07:53, Stanislav Horáček wrote:

pá 22. 12. 2023 v 10:52 odesílatel sophi <so...@libreoffice.org> napsal:
Please reach out with any feedback, comments, or concerns you may have
regarding the
translation process. We truly value your willingness to participate, and
I look forward to hearing
from the community!

not sure how much it helps, but in my opinion these points would
improve the translation a lot:
- employing machine translation,
- sharing translation memory (now Weblate, wiki and user guides are
completely separated),
- reusing existing translations (current suggestions in Weblate do not
work if e.g. a string is split or markup is added, even if the content
is preserved),
- more flexibility when customizing the tools (cf. the Weblate
improvements tendering) and dealing with the infrastructure problems.

Best regards,

All that Stan listed above.

My Santa shop list (I've been kind with my mom' and pop' !!!):

+ Invest in LibreTranslate project to train python translation engine (1) in LO context.

I have it on my radar for next year budget, but do you mean:"Custom models trained on your own data are available for $1000/language (negotiable)" ?

I was not aware of the price tag, nor that you had it in your radar. I though on doing internally. But $1000/lang is really cheap, given that it can be used in all TDF user-land services (I think).

+ have Weblate to auto-accept 100% string match from translation memory

+ Fix the glossary pollution

Could you give an example of the pollution you're talking about?

I get many glossary entries that I didn't ask for.


Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
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