Hi Stanislav,
Le 21/12/2023 à 10:03, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
I would like to ask if there is a policy for adding strings to
glossaries shared across all languages (i.e. the strings marked with the
"terminology" flag).
Currently, there are many terminology strings which are not useful at
all, only cluttering the glossaries (check yourself e.g. [1]). They are
being added continuously and I deleted some of them, but I think it
should be more controlled what is going in. In the glossary itself, I
found a sentence suggesting that the initial idea was to use the shared
part only rarely [2].
What are your opinions?
I agree with you. Do you have suggestions on how to enforce contributors
to not use the Terminology flag? I can add it to the wiki, but not sure
people will read there.
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