Hi Kees,
kees...@libreoffice.org wrote on 25/12/2023 08:22:
However, looking at the android repo, I see e.g. (2, 3) and the fact
that others are translating too for the Android-Viewer, maybe there is
a misunderstanding. Kees could it be that you try the wrong repo? Or
maybe it needs to be checked for Dutch?
I don't know anything about repo's. I have one Weblate, where I
translate UI, Help and so on. There I also see the other items and they
are locked.
AH, if you look at Weblate, you see projects. There is a project
Android-Viewer. I think you should be able to translate that, just as
the others. If that doesn't work for you, it needs to be find out why ;)
Android-Viewer is separate from LibreOffice online that is in attic state.
Happy Christmas :)
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