Hi all,
First, thanks a lot to the projects who wrote on their activities, it is
really appreciated and always interesting to see what's going on locally
:) So a gentle reminder for others, please add your content to the pad
of send it to me!
Le 15/11/2023 à 15:43, sophi a écrit :
Hello all!
You have organized events and/or made contributions together with your
communities over the year and it is the time where you let the world
know by just writing a few lines on the pad here:
Annual Report is a complete book describing the foundation activities
while working on LibreOffice, Document Liberation Project and ODF Toolkit.
We will add what you wrote on the pad to the Annual Report and will
publish all the parts on the TDF blog after sending them to the Berlin
Don't hesitate to ping me if you need help or have questions. I can
publish your parts on the pad if you want, just send me the content.
But please, send your feedback, even if it's two lines, it's already
great :)
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation
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