Hi everyone!

Finally joining the localisation mailing list to ask for a review of suggested string changes in the German UI translation to fix this bug: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156860

... but also very happy to hear more from the localisation / internationalisation / translation community from now on! :)

The strings in question are:

 * master:
 * 7.6:
 * 7.5:

Much appreciated!

And for the quick introduction for the ones who don't know me: I'm Quality Assurance Analyst at TDF, part of the team, and keen to do a bit more occasional translation of the Help and UI - in particular when it is linked to Bugzilla tickets. I speak French, English, Spanish fluently, and can just survive in a German-speaking country.

Bis bald!

Stéphane Guillou
Quality Assurance Analyst | The Document Foundation

Mobile (France): +33 7 79 67 18 72
Matrix: @stragu:matrix.org
Fediverse: @str...@mastodon.indie.host

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