Hi Olivier, *,

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 3:43 PM Olivier Hallot
<olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> It happens so often that it becomes tiresome.
> On the 2 strings below of the same XHP file,

Please always provide links, every string has a permalink option to
share a link.
At least provide the component / what help file that is about. With a
project as large as ours having to hunt for specific strings is
unnecessary work...

> 1) Choose <emph>Shape - Arrange - In Front of Object</emph>
> 2) Choose <menuitem>Home - Arrange - In Front of Object</menuitem>.


> The suggestion for the second string is null, even if the first is fully
> translated minutes before.

If you manually search for Choose <menuitem>Home - Arrange - In Front
of Object</menuitem>. you get a hit, but just barely below the
threshold for being considered in the automatic list.

> Is there a tweak to do in the matching algorithm to improve that (e.g.
> weight on contents and less on tags)? I can understand the difference in
> the tags, but at least I think to get some % match as suggestion.

You get some %, but weblate thinks that the match is not close enough
to be worthy of an auto-suggestion.

> If this is a matter for a bug ticket in Weblate, please let me know.

It at least is "working as designed" - don't think that tags in this
context are treated special, my guess is that they are treated like
regular elements and thus contribute to a lower match/score.

Also probably a case of ask two people, get three opinions on what
should be the "correct" score for mismatching tags....


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