Looking into the code it seems not to be possible. Unlike other settings / commands the auto correction is done hard-coded [1]. But I might be wrong here and a true developer should verify this.

The topic has been reported, at least for Portuguese [2], and maybe in a more generic way in [3].


[1] https://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/core/cui/source/tabpages/autocdlg.cxx?r=254161f9#1566 -> REPLACE_1ST
[2] https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44293
[3] https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67194

On 14.08.23 17:50, Joan Montané wrote:
Missatge de Joan Montané <j...@montane.cat> del dia dc., 9 d’ag. 2023
a les 8:43:


These days I'm updating some pending minor issues for Catalan l10n
(dictionaries, locale data...) and I need help with "autocorrect

If it's possible, I want "Format ordinal number suffixes (1st ...
1st)" (ChangeOrdinalNumbers at  registrymodifications.xcu) disabled as
default for Catalan language.

Alternatively, avoiding the effect of this option for Catalan language
(i.e., no superscript for ordinal suffixes never) will be a better
option than current behavior.

I've searched at wiki and Bugzilla without luck. Is it possible to
change default autocorrect option for language?


Some days ago I wrote previous mail. Maybe it wasn't the correct list
to post this question.

I want to change default value for "Format ordinal number suffixes
(1st ...> 1st)" from Autocorrect option to False for Catalan language
only (or disable such feature). Any hint if it's possible to do it and
how could be done? Or where/who can I ask for guidance?

Joan Montané

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