On 06-03-2023 08:00, Heiko Tietze wrote:
he added the chapter/heading thing to the glossary but I cannot find it.
On 05.03.23 16:16, Michael Wolf wrote:
maybe it is a stupid question: What is the difference between chapter
number(ing) and heading number(ing)? In some strings of LO master
occurrences of chapter number(ing) are replaced by heading number(ing).
Not a stupid question. It was not easy to find clear explanations of
the meaning of "heading", plus technical definitions in the ODF spec
have often been used in the UI/help, where the technical meanings of
chapter diverge from everyday/common use.
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=141452#c21 gave some
definitions of "chapter" and "heading", which I have tried to follow.
Headings are paragraphs or paragraph styles that have an outline
level of 1 or greater.
The word "chapter" is reserved for headings that have outline
level 1.
With these definitions, it is necessary in many place to refer to
"heading" instead of "chapter, to describe accurately the
actual/expected behavior of the software.
As noted by Heiko, the project now is to try to use consistent and
accurate terminology in the UI and online help.
Subsequently, I have come to believe that the definition for chapter is
somewhat arbitrary (for technical discussion see:
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152605#c23), but as
noted in bug 152605, I will follow the current conventions.
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