Hi Michael,

Michael Wolf <mil...@sorbzilla.de> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. szept. 27., K,

> Hi,
> I currently translate LibreOffice master Help for LibreLogo.

I'm very glad of it! Many thanks for that!

> A question: Where are the commands of LibreLogo translated, in
> LibreOffice or externally? I'm afraid that LibreLogo is not in Upper
> Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. But, in the LibreLogo help I have to use the
> LibreLOgo commands in a language that works.


It seems, they are translated completely, thanks for the work of the
Sorbian translators!

But with the recent master, only the Upper Sorbian works, as intended:

$ grep -o "hsb': '\w*'" instdir/share/Scripts/python/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py
| head
hsb': 'oranžowy'
hsb': 'dypk'
hsb': 'absolutny'
hsb': 'naruna'
hsb': 'nakósny'
hsb': 'wudaće'
hsb': 'tupl'
hsb': 'někajki'
hsb': 'złoty'
hsb': 'nic'

$ grep -o "dsb': '\w*'" instdir/share/Scripts/python/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py

I think the next update of the code will add the Lower Sorbian translations.

Best regards,

> Thanks and kind regards,
> Michael
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