Hi Tim,
Le 17/08/2022 à 23:16, Tim Herb a écrit :

I am involved in the Wikimedia Projects  and have also an account in the
Projects of TheDocument Foundation with the username Hogue and I am
interested in Spreadsheets. In the Wikimedia Projects there extists a
new Wikimediaproject under Development called Wikifunctions. This
project will collect Functions and their implementations in different
programming languages and will be used for converting text from an
abstract notation into different languages. This can be maybe also
interesting for documentation pages  in the future. I started writing a
program to convert Spreadsheetsfunction from one language to another and
for this it is helpful to have files with the translated strings. Where
can I find the translated strings of the spreadsheet functions. At the
installation of LibreOffice at my Laptop I have found an file called
for.mo that contains the English function name and the German
translation. I am using LibreOffice Version 7.2. At this page
https://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/latest-pot/ I found the English
strings in the downloaded file. Please tell me if there where I can find
the translated strings for the other languages.

.pot file is the source template for translation. All translated .po files are here:
strings are in sc.po and scaddins.po files

Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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