Hi Thep,
Le 20/03/2022 à 11:06, Theppitak Karoonboonyanan a écrit :
Dear all,

I'm Theppitak Karoonboonyanan from Thailand, an open source
developer focusing on Thai language support.

Welcome to the team!

I would like to reactivate the dormant Thai localization effort for
LibreOffice. I have talked to Samphan Raruenrom, the previous
coordinator, and he agreed for me to go ahead.

First of all, I have suggested some translations on Weblate,
but nobody seems to be there to review and accept them.
So, I would like to ask for a reviewing right, or a coordinating
role if needed.

I gave you administrator role, so you can review and translate

Please feel free to suggest what else I should do to revive
the Thai localization effort for LibreOffice. Thank you.

Here is a guide on the terms that should be unique and variables:
Don't hesitate to come back to me if you have further questions.


Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
Foundation coordinator
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