Hi Cristi,

"Advertising" is a special term in Windows Installer terminology, it refers
to the ability of an MSI packaged application to heal itself, if files or
registry keys are corrupted or missing.

You can look up in MS Glossary what the official translation is for your
target language, however, I think this message will only appear in MSI
logs, not on the user interface.

Best regards,
Andras Timar

On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 12:04 AM Cristian Secară <li...@secarica.ro> wrote:

> I have this string:
> #. tBfTE
> #: ActionTe.ulf
> msgctxt ""
> "ActionTe.ulf\n"
> "LngText.text"
> msgid "Advertising application"
> How should I read it ?
> 1. [this is an] Advertising application
> or
> 2. Advertising [this] application
> The string comes from the msi_languages.po* file (i.e. Windows installer),
> but I don't remember seeing it during actual install and I have no idea
> what is its purpose.
> Thank you,
> Cristi
> --
> Cristian Secară
> https://www.secarica.ro
> --
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