Hi Cristi,
Le 03/03/2022 à 14:08, Cristian Secară a écrit :
Suppose I create a new document (Writer or whatever) and write something there,
then try to close the window. A popup message asks me if I want to save
modifications before closing.
All of the popup window text is already translated for my language, except for
the buttons: _Save / Do_n't Save / _Cancel
I am not able to find these strings for translation. Where can I find them ? If
I switch the UI language to German, then the buttons are shown in German, so
these are native LO strings (i.e. not operating system's strings).
We have versions with KeyID that allow you to find the string in Weblate
using this KeyID. It installs like a language pack and the extension is
.qtz. You can download it from here:
I don't which OS and version you're searching for but if you meet
difficulties, don't hesitate to come back to me.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
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