Hi Cristi,
Le 24/02/2022 à 01:11, Cristian Secară a écrit :
I would like to join the Romanian translation team, so I can translate directly
on Weblate (i.e. not only to make suggestions).
How can I do that ?
Could you let me know your user name on Weblate or the mail address you
used to subscribe there. I'll add you to the Romanian language group.
I do *not* intend to translate neither quickly, nor massively; however, there
are several strings on LO main interface or common dialog that are not yet
translated / became untranslated due to code change, that make a bad impression
on users and so I would like to improve the situation a little.
Thanks a lot for your contributions, feel free to translate at the pace
you'd like :)
I already have experience with Weblate, since I am the maintainer of the
Romanian translation for Vivaldi browser, which also uses Weblate for this.
Other than that, I am the maintainer for GIMP & Inkscape Romanian translations
and part of the GNOME Romanian translation team, where I am committer and, on
occasions, reviewer (this along with several other l10n or i18n contributions).
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
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