Hi all,
Le 23/02/2022 à 15:46, sophi a écrit :
Hi all,
Following the request made by Stanislav and Olivier on automatic
translation built-in support in Weblate, we discussed the topic
yesterday during our team meeting.
Currently we rely on automatic suggestions from Weblate TM and amaGama
TM, meaning there is no AI added.
The possibility to include Aws, Microsoft, Google, DeepL, Baidu and more
is already there in Weblate, see:
Doing some research on the different translators available, I've seen
some are really high in costs and/or do not cover a large range of
languages. Traductor requests to be added in credits, I don't know for
Yesterday, Olivier proposed Matecat (https://www.matecat.com/) which is
an open source project. He is using it with the Brazilian community and
it gives them very good results. From what I've tested, it supports a
large range of languages, can be used locally. However not relevant
here, I found their support for a large type of file formats very
interesting too.
Could you give a test to Matecat and let me know:
So it seems following Ilmari's researches that my request to test
Matecat is irrelevant. I'm copying his mail in the other thread here:
I looked more deeply into Matecat now - I never before managed to find
information about the way it uses machine translation. It looks like
Matecat itself will not give us any benefits. See these resources:
"By default, we provide Google Translate API (we pay for it and offer it
for free to Matecat users). If for any reason the Google Translate API
is not available, we automatically switch to the Microsoft Bing API."
It looks like ModernMT is the system that is associated with Matecat
It is open source, even though it has a higher quality version for
Weblate does support it, also with a self-hosted version:
However, Weblate also supports LibreTranslate, which uses OpenNMT at its
Could you please also evaluate LibreTranslate in addition to ModernMT?
Thanks a lot Ilmari for your feedback. Please follow his request to
evaluate LibreTranslate.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
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