Hi Olivier,

Le 10/02/2022 à 13:10, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
I set my notifications configuration to be informed on all activities related to pt-BR in weblate. Excellent.

Occasionally, I get suggestions from people that I never had contact before. Since the notification shows the full name, I know the person is registered in weblate.

I have no way to contact back because the notification comes from hostmaster@tdf . My current rights don't let me see weblate users list.

I'd like a way to be able to contact weblate users, beyond suggestion messaging (e.g. an e-mail).

What others do in that case is to contact me with the link to the user profile. Then, I'll be able to give you the mail that this person use on Weblate.


Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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