On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:02 AM Rhoslyn Prys <rhp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Question: Is there a way to something similar with failing checks?
> The Welsh translation has between 706 and 1387 failing checks each
> across 6.3 to 7.1 and master. These were mainly introduced with the
> transfer to Weblate. Clearing them would be a nice to do, most of them
> are not errors and the don't appear to impact the translation. I could
> just leave them I suppose.
> Any suggestions?

No easy answer on that one. Some checks might be false positives, but
others probably are not.

In your case it seems all failing checks are "unchanged translation" -
so those are OK to just ignore.

I can patch weblate to never apply the check for Welsh/cy if you think
it makes sense..


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