HI Stanislav, *,

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 8:33 PM Stanislav Horáček
<stanislav.hora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> did anything go wrong with the Friday's update of Help master strings in
> Weblate? It seems there is an old version now: many still not translated
> strings disappeared and for instance, there is this string [1] that has
> been already replaced in the source in August [2].

Indeed there was a messup, corrected now. No translations should be
lost, since updating against the templates puts them into the obsolete
sections (the lines prefixed with #~ marker) and the fixed template
update should have pulled them from there.

Thanks for catching that! (would have been fixed with the next update
in a similar way, but your post was soon enough to do a fix tag for alpha1 with the fixed templates/translations)


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