I see this question is already answerred. :-)

kees...@libreoffice.org schreef op 13.10.2020 06:41:
The link to the version page is
And a example is the 7.0 Beta2 version at
Look for the qtz version at this page.
You can directly download this version with next link

Regards, Kees

Y.Sol.lei schreef op 12.10.2020 10:06:
Thank you for the answer, Kees!
It seems very inspiring.
But I can't find a link to that version of LO. Could you share it with

Regards, Eugene.

пн, 12 жовт. 2020 о 09:16 <kees...@libreoffice.org> пише:

The easiest way is to install the key-id version of Libreoffice.
Key-id versions exist for the alpha or beta versions of a release.
It is the file with qtz instead of the language in the name, like

You can find all the different versions of LibreOffice on

In this key-id version you will find codes before (almost) every
You can search for this code in Weblate.
Choose the project and your language and click Search.
Search criteria is “note: vwxyz”. (vwxyz is the code you found
for the
This way you find your UI-item for translation.

I hope this is what you like to know.

Success, Kees

Y.Sol.lei schreef op 05.10.2020 11:56:
Hi, all!
I've decided to deepen the translational process, so ask you:
is there an exact way to find the location of the word in the UI ?
I suggest the "context" area may help, but don't know HOW...


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