Dennis Roczek kirjoitti 16.9.2020 klo 18.07:
Hi Ilmari,

thanks for taking care of that request in our Telegram group.

Am 16.09.2020 um 13:53 schrieb Ilmari Lauhakangas:
Now, what is the general opinion? Should we switch to using
Special:MyLanguage for all links that refer to translatable pages?

If I remember correctly, then Special:MyLanguage only works useful when
logged in. Our wiki is by default (logged out) in German. So most
readers will be directed to the German content although that might not
be useful.

But even if we would use English as default language: If you are reading
Russian FAQ pages and click on a link as just a simple reader (no
contributor), then you expect getting to a Russian page and not to a
German/English one.

I'm oppose to that change.

@Floeff: If I remember correctly that decision was made because of
having a German foundation. Most services do use English as default
interface language. Is there a chance that we switch the wiki also to

I'm not sure I understand. TDF wiki is definitely not in German while logged out.

Anyway, you can test the difference on this page: The first listed item uses Special:MyLanguage while the others use {{#translation:}}


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