Hi DaeHyun,
Le 16/08/2020 à 09:56, DaeHyun Sung a écrit :
> Hello.
> I'm DaeHyun Sung.
> I have a Korean Translator's Administrator roles.
> I would like to add some Korean Translator roles.
> 1. 우시은(Woo, Sieun )
> ramtk6...@naver.com
> 2. 김민규(Kim, min gyu)
> tgd...@naver.com
> 3. 심명섭(Shim, Myeongseob)
> mangsby...@gmail.com
> 4. 주일규(Ju, Ilkyu)
>  ju.il...@gmail.com
> 5. 정지현(Jung, Jihyun)
> joane...@naver.com
> 6. 김주현(Kim, juhyeon)
> kjh000...@gmail.com

All added with translator role
> 7. 김가빈(Kim, Kabin)
> smapt0...@gmail.com

It seems this member is not registered to Weblate, could you check?

Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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