Le 03/08/2020 à 17:01, Mihkel Tõnnov a écrit :
> Hi Sophie,
> sophi (<so...@libreoffice.org>) kirjutas 29.07.2020 kell 15:34:
>> Hi,
>> Le 29/07/2020 à 15:26, Y.Sol.lei a écrit :
>>> Нello!
>>> It's rather a question for admins of "fullness" the LO project.
>>> As I see, many translators put MANY comments to the English part of both
>>> the UI and Help system. Comments concern the correctness of
>>> terms, completeness of definitions, absence of menu items and so on...
>>> Alas, none of them was reviewed at a recent time.
>>> So, my question: is the situation have seasonal trait ?
>> What language are you talking about?
> I understood the question as being about the source string comments which
> several translators (incl. myself) have been adding in Weblate.
> So not any specific language, but rather comments about
> typos/inaccuracies/straight-up-errors in the English source strings.

I'm currently dealing with them. All errors in help have been reported
and corrected by Oliver already. I've removed those comments. I'm now
taking care of reports on UI strings. I'll fill the errors in BZ and
then remove the comments from master. I'll finish the reports this week.
So if you spot anything on master, either report it in BZ or leave a

Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
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