Hi Mihkel,

Kazakh keyboard layout is based on Russian, and does not have the
separate key assigned to semicolon.

Thanks for the heads up!

Best regards,

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 12:01 AM Mihkel Tõnnov <mihh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi *,
> There's a problematic string in LibO UI cui/messages.po which for many
> languages has been impossible to properly localize:
> "Need to insert the date in a spreadsheet cell? Type %MOD1+; or
> Shift+%MOD1+; to insert the time."
> Many European keyboard layouts don't have a dedicated semicolon key
> (Shift+comma is used instead), so only one of these shortcuts works (the
> one for time).
> For a handful of languages, there has been an exception added to the code
> to use %MOD1+comma and Shift+%MOD1+comma instead:
> Finnish (fi) - translations still refers to semicolon
> Portuguese in Europe (pt) - translation completely omits the second/third
> key in the shortcut
> Portuguese in Brasil (pt-BR) - translations still refers to semicolon
> Russian (ru) - translations still refers to semicolon
> Spanish (es) (not translated)
> Starting from LibreOffice 7.0, the same exception is added for a number of
> additional languages [1]:
> Albanian (sq)
> Bosnian (bs)
> Croatian (hr)
> Danish (da)
> Dutch in the Netherlands (nl-NL)
> German (de)
> Estonian (et)
> Faroese (fo)
> Icelandic (is)
> Italian (it)
> Norwegian Bokmål (nb)
> Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) - also translation probably should say "Tast «%MOD1
> + ,» eller «Shift + %MOD1 + ,»" not "Skriv" ;)
> Romanian (ro)
> Serbian (sr)
> Slovenian (sl)
> Swedish (sv)
> Turkish (tr) - also typo in existing translation of "%MOD1"
> Members of these language teams should test (using the daily builds) if the
> shortcut works on a system that uses their language for UI [2].
> If it does, their translation of the above string should refer to comma
> key, not semicolon key.
> And if it doesn't work, let me know (along with details about your OS
> locale and keyboard and LibO locale/UI language).
> Also, I suspect we will need to add exceptions for more languages still.
> So, if your language is not mentioned above, and your keyboard doesn't have
> a separate semicolon key either, then please let me know. I think the
> European "smaller" languages are probable candidates here (Lower/Upper
> Sorbian, Frisian, Friulian, Galician, Venetian, etc.)
> [1] See https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/94305
> [2] The exception is unfortunately dependent on UI language, not actual
> keyboard layout or even locale - see
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134470
> Best regards,
> Mihkel
> Estonian translator
> --
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