Hi Valter,

On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 10:38 PM Valter Mura <valterm...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> yes, this is a serious question and I know also the answer. But:
> […]
> So, my question is: why all this strings cannot be *auto-inserted* in 
> Weblate, eventually
> with a "confirmation needed" (for security reasons), in order to facilitate 
> the translator's
> job? Is it not possible?

You might have picked bad examples, but for all you cited, the old
translations are showing up on the Machine Translation tab and are
offered for insertion. In this case they come mostly from the amagama
based TM, i.e. the one that was done based on the translations
imported from the old branches from pootle.

> https://weblate.documentfoundation.org/translate/libo_help-master/textswriter01/it/?
> checksum=3797f7853b8bfc5d[1] (100%)
> [some more examples]
> What I mean is: if I have these full matches in my TM, why cannot they appear
> automatically in Weblate?

Well, they do, on the machine translation tab. For old strings (that
already were translated on pootle) from the "tmserver" source (the
local amagama server), and for translations done on weblate it would
be from weblate's tranlsation memory. (that in old version was rather
slow, but with the version we deployed last weekend also those results
should be quick to load in.


Is one of those strings that were changed during weblate times and
thus have a match from weblate's TM as well as similar matches from

So maybe I'm completely missing your point.


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